Free Coaching Friday

Free Coaching Friday

Today in Free Coaching Friday we discussed living within your means and what that means for your business. We discussed building a business to suite the lifestyle that you want to live, rather than building your lifestyle to suit your buisness. We also disucssed...
7 Marketing Secrets Every Coach Needs to Know

7 Marketing Secrets Every Coach Needs to Know

Whether you’re helping people break through financial barriers, achieve leadership success in their business, helping them really become happy and successful, or mentoring clients in your area of expertise, you need to warm them up to a point where they know love and...
Narrow Your Market & Explode Your Profits.

Narrow Your Market & Explode Your Profits.

To most, that statement doesn’t even make sense. How can narrowing your market, expand your profits? Another load of that marketing mahewy I tells ya. That’s right, it’s a counter intuitive statement, that needs to be justified before it makes any sense. Counter...