Harness the power of the worlds top social media networks to drive paying customers directly to your business, every, single, month…

TRUTH: Your business needs customers to survive. You need those customers to either walk in your door, call your phone, or send you an email…. Either way you look at it, you need to get new and existing customers to engage with your business more often. Especially if you want to take things to the next level!
What if I told you that by using social media marketing you could Exactly Target the Types of Customers Your Business Needs To Grow. That with our proven system you could convert new prospects into raving fans, harnessing the power of social media marketing to double or triple the size of your business.
Now I’m not talking about sharing recipes and posting funny cat videos. I’m talking about showing up where your customers are at. Then building a solid relationship with them so that your business grows through Direct Marketing & the New Word Of Mouth… Social Media.
At Think Big Studios we help business owners just like you, locate, target and rope in new customers turning them into raving fans who not only buy now… but are easy to sell to in the future. It’s a big part of our proven Done For You system.
That means, that even if you’re a small business, a dentist, a trade, in real estate, or in almost any other industry we can drive relevant high quality leads consistently to your business every single month, virtually on demand.
What would that do for your business and your peace of mind?
If you would like a consistent flow of highly qualified leads driven to your business every month, join us for a FREE strategy session, or call us at 1 877 505 2835 with any questions you have about this incredible service.

3 Reasons to Hire Us For Your Social Media
When was the last time, one of your ad campaigns generated 10,000+ verifiable leads for your business?
You’re Looking for New Customers

Let’s pretend for a second that you’re out fishing. You’ve got your rod, your bait, your boat and you’re ready to head out for the day.
What’s the most important thing you need to know if you want to catch fish?
It’s not the lure…. You need to go where the fish are.
It’s the same for your marketing. You need to meet your customers where they’re at, you need to stop them in their tracks and you need them give them an irresitable offer to bring them into your business. Just liKe fishing!
That’s what we’re experts at… It’s the new way of marketing.
We find out where your customers like to hang out (social media). We get infront of them in a big way, and we get them into your business… I know that sounds simple, but OMG – It’s why we get paid the big bucks!
Stretch Your Marketing Dollars!

The cost of acquiring a NEW customer is 100% of the cost of your marketing. On top of that, for most businesses, 80% of your sales come from the top 20% of your best customers.
If you’re not re-marketing to your current customers where they’re at, then you’re going to spend a lot more money on your marketing.
Your customers are on social media, and they’re online 1 out of every 5 minutes throughout the day. Facebook, snap chat, twitter, pinterest, google +, Linked-in…. your customers are there, you just need to find them.
At Think Big, we’re experts at re-marketing to your customers through social media. Our proven system is capable of tracking your customers on multiple levels and stopping them with your offer.
When you do social media right your business stays top of mind, you create raving fans, and you consistently increase your sales, by driving the right kind of customers (the ones who’ve already bought) back to your business.
You Want to Work With a 6 Star Team Who Appreciates Your Business

In today’s marketplace, with the constant change in marketing trends, it’s not realistic to rely on only a single person to help with your businesses marketing. While hiring freelancers or local high school students may cost you less in up front dollars, it will cost you a lot more in lost opportunities. Hiring a marketing company with a team of people behind your marketing, is a much better investment for your future.
At Think Big Studios we have highly trained team members who thrive on staying on top of what matters in marketing. From website design, social media, copywriting and media production our team invests in staying on top of what matters in getting you results.
All of our team members specialize in certain areas of our marketing system and new hires are treated to a thorough onboarding process bringing them up to speed quickly on our ROI driven process.
Need More Reason’s to Think Big?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We've Won Awards Based on Results not Just Design

Highly Rated By Our Clients & Customers

Expertly Trained Team Members

Our Social Media Philosophy
Simply posting to social media is not a strategy, it’s a necessity. Like breathing or eating. Your Social Media strategy needs to be more, it’s how you get in front of new customers and how you build relationships so that they spread your message by the new word of mouth… You must provide value, you must be unique, you must do something that can’t be copied by your competition….All so that you become The Authority in Your Industry for your customers to follow…. That’s Social Media.
Whether you’re paying for ads, or building organically, we’ll help you target your perfect customers driving traffic to an irresistable offer that your customers can’t say no to.
Our Social Media Process
Discovery Phase
Every campaign needs to have a purpose. It’s goal, something to live for. It’s hard to build a quality campaign for your brand without first understanding the reasons behind it.
Our team will work work with you to determine the goals of your social media marketing campaign, why you need one and what you want it for. When we’re clear on our purpose and the direction we want to go, we can build the systems to get us there.
Market Research
If you want to build a marketing strategy that outperforms your competition you first need to understand how your competition, your customers and your offerings play together. We work to uncover the industry leaders, what your customers are looking for and how we can position you in a way that stands out.
Design The Strategy
Your social media needs to speak to your customers in a way that they expect. Based on our market research, we’ll design a strategy for your business and your brand that utilizes the right social network(s) to get you the right customers when you need them.
The Campaign – Driving Customers
If you’re simply hitting boost on your posts, you’re losing money, and trust me, social networks are happy to take it from you. To properly create a campaign you need a combination of the right kind of ads for your targeted audience and the right engagement in the follow up. We’ll execute your strategy and drive targeted traffic to your business, we’ll also give you timely updates so you know exactly where you’re sitting.
Testing and Optimization
Running a proper social media campaign means that we’re constantly testing, tweaking and optimizing your ads to get maximum results… Our team works to get you the most clicks and engagement for the lowest ad spend. We work hard to make sure you’re getting more of your favourite customers with every click.

We Also Offer
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