Think Big Daily – Videos
Why you need to say Thank You
Ever wonder what it means to say thank you? Why it's important and what attitude you should have behind it? Hendrix and I've got a great tip for you today.
How to Praise Great Employees
As business owners we often focus on the bad apples. But how do you treat your VIPs?
How to Create Change
Creating change in ourselves can be difficult, however it's what propels us as entrepreneurs. We often put off what we need to work on for the urgent and often unimportant tasks that ten to rule our day. SO what do you work on? Here's a tip that you can easily...
Ad Campaigns Deserve a Landing page
Never create an ad campaign without a landing page. A landing page is a page on your website that you've created specifically for the ad campaign that you're running. It gives your customers more about the promotion rather than going to your generic home page....
<div class="et_pb_module et-waypoint et_pb_image et_pb_animation_left servicecaption et_pb_image_n10s_1 et_always_center_on_mobile"><figure class="n10s n10s-jazz"><img title="Logo Design and Branding - Regina Saskatchewan" src="" alt="Logo Design and Branding" /><figcaption> <h2>Logo, Branding & Identity Design</h2> <p class="description"></p> </figcaption></figure></div>
[/et_pb_image_n10s]<div class="et_pb_module et-waypoint et_pb_image et_pb_animation_left servicecaption et_pb_image_n10s_3 et_always_center_on_mobile"><figure class="n10s n10s-jazz"><img title="Logo Design and Branding - Regina Saskatchewan" src="" alt="Logo Design and Branding" /><figcaption> <h2>Logo, Branding & Identity Design</h2> <p class="description"></p> </figcaption></figure></div>
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